Friday, March 16, 2012

Few Lines From "In Course Of True Love!"

“My longing for true love was around me. I wanted to catch everything in my eyes; every single sound in ears, and every feeling I wanted to feel. My dream of adoring someone came true. A mist of positive future started shrouding me” – Aarush.

“ …Every page in the dairy was identical. All these entries began with same word and end with same words. I love you, I love you and I love you only… “ Aarush

“Sun set again and this night was long and my heart filled with nostalgia. The deepest feeling can be felt in the deep silence”- Aarush. 

“The deepest, strangest and most stirring memories were indelibly marked with corresponding images of her. My fluency at reading her expressions reached at point where I could look at her from the corner of eyes and deduce with accuracy what was she thinking in class..." Aarush. 

Novel Cover 

“ …Oval face, fair complexion and pair of attentive, hazel eyes decorated eyebrows like a bow, giving perfect contrast to her complexion. A mouth adorned with two fluffy lips, and black silky hair which was elaborately dressed, looked like it was never allowed to fall into disarray….” Aachankya Kapoor.  

"From her expressions, I could see that she also felt the same; taking the enveloping silence as our mutual recognition of shared happiness and I wished that this moment would remain forever like this.." Aarush.

I looked at her without blinking, looking straight in the eyes without speaking, chewing in silence until she saw with infinite satisfaction and said, “Don’t look at me like this? I feel shy” and she averted her eyes.
I too felt the warmth of her hand, the tenderness..." Aarush. 

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Grab your copies. Keep spreading love. :)